Comparto la charla de Puño en MAD 2011 que me ha parecido muy interesante sobre ilustración, recetas, caligrafía, dibujo... puño from MADinSpain on Vimeo.
This is often attributed as being an old Native American Cherokee legend (and I’ve obviously depicted it as such) but after doing a bit of digging online I found that its origins are disputed. This source gives pretty convincing evidence that it’s only a few decades old and evolved from a passage in a Billy Graham book. And Wiki Answers claim that the moral ending of the passage is inconsistent with traditional Cherokee fables. So I don’t know who to believe, and I didn’t credit the quote on the comic. If anyone can help clarify the source, please leave a comment. Regardless of the origin, it’s a great little proverb and one I wanted to adapt and share with you. Thanks to everyone who submitted this quote, it’s one of the most frequent requests I get.
American model, actress, musician, and fashion designer. Over her career, she has appeared in a number of science fiction and action-themed films, for which music channel VH1 has referred to her as the "reigning queen of kick-butt".
Paul David Hewson, known by his stage name Bono, is an Irish singer, musician, and humanitarian best known for being the main vocalist of the Dublin-based rock band U2. Bono was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland, and attended Mount Temple Comprehensive School where he met his future wife, Alison Stewart, and the future members of U2. Bono writes almost all U2 lyrics, often using political, social, and religious themes. During their early years, Bono's lyrics contributed to U2's rebellious and spiritual tone. As the band matured, his lyrics became inspired more by personal experiences shared with members of U2.
Chris Guillebeau is an entrepreneur and writer. His blog, The Art of Non-Conformity, helps people follow their passion and find a meaningful way to use their talents. Chris is also a travel-junkie and is close to completing his lifelong quest of visiting every country in the world. Whether he’s travelling around the globe, writing, performing speaking engagements, launching new products or organising World Domination summits – one thing’s for sure – Chris is NOT living a unremarkably average life. Chris’s blog and his manifestos (which you can download for free and where this list is taken from) helped me when I was frustrated at my old job and was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. I thoroughly recommend his site, along with his latest book The $100 Startup, to anyone who’s stuck in a rut, thinking about a career-change or starting a passion-project. I was lucky enough to meet Chris when he was recently in Melbourne for the ProBlogger Event. He was a fan of Zen Pencils and one of the first things he said to me was “How can I help?” which I thought showed a lot about his character. I suggested that I adapt one of his quotes and this comic is the result. I’m by no means better than the orange-haired dude in this comic. I’ve been guilty of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 at some point in my life.
An Ode to Creative Work es un excelente video producido por Behance, la red social para creativos mas importante en Internet, el video es un poema a las oportunidades. trabajo duro y responsabilidades del trabajo creativo, es un excelente video que todo profesional ya sea artistas, diseñador, fotografo, ilustrador o cualquier otro creativo debería ver para inspirarse, sin duda un excelente trabajo de la gente de Behance.
Video: An Ode to Creative Work
Behind every great advancement, in every industry, there is a creative mind. Creativity may come easy, but creation is hard.The late nights spent trying, and failing, and trying again.
All the while, holding onto our vision. Pushing what we see in our mind's eye into the world.
But our potential is being held captive by forces around us and within us. Middle men who play us down while marking us up.Not giving us credit. Getting us to work for free.
And worse, we get in the way of our own success.We rely on chance encounters. We’re disorganized and isolated, liable to go unnoticed. We can do better.
When creative minds come together, the sum exceeds all expectations.We connect, we learn, we critique, we prosper.
It's not about money or fame, it's about doing what we love.It's about creating our greatest work on our own terms.It’s about realizing that creativity is not just an opportunity - it's a responsibility.
Here's to unleashing our full potential. For us, and for the world that awaits what we will do next; Take creative control.